
Crystal Test

Resonance - A Time-tested Way To Enhance Distance Healing

Resonance – A Time-tested Way To Enhance Distance Healing

Can resonance help remote-healing work?  It may seem presumptuous to apply scientific thinking to something so seemingly magical, but I assert that there is a mechanism that we can be aware of so that we can get better at it.  Being effective with distance-healing is not just a matter of talent or “giftedness.”  It is

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Distance Energy-Healing Vs Prayer

Distance Energy-Healing versus Prayer

Have you ever thought about distance-healing as just another form of prayer?  Perhaps it’s just a different cultural form of prayer?   Prayer works.  Science shows that it works.  Distance-healing has also been proven scientifically and it clearly works.  Prayer is not the same as distance-healing. One of the differences between distance energy-healing vs prayer is

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Spiritual Practice - A Way to Enhances Distance Healing

Spiritual Practice – A Way to Enhances Distance Healing

Spiritual Practice – A Way to Enhances Distance Healing This is my ongoing series in understanding the principles that enhance distance healing. Today’s tip is about how important it is to incorporate spiritual practice into distance healing Distance healing is not about bossing God around.  It’s not about directing events… and yet tangible measurable results do happen. 

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Innovation and Change - A Way to Enhance Distance Healing

Innovation and Change – A Way to Enhance Distance Healing

Innovation and Change – A Way to Enhance Distance Healing How “Doing it Right” can Interfere with Distance Healing This is my ongoing series of how to enhance distance healing. I do a lot of distance healing and specialize in cancer. I am able to cool down hot cancerous tumors, reduce pain and extend life significantly

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