
Is Energy Healing for Cancer Expensive?

Is Energy Healing for Cancer Expensive?

Is Energy Healing for Cancer Expensive? Is energy healing for cancer expensive? This is one of the frequently asked questions about myOctave Resonance Healing Approach™ to cancer. I use energy medicine, hands-on-healing, distance healing to cool down hot cancerous tumors and possibly extend the quality and quantity of life. I train pet owners and family members

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Common Misconception About Nutrition and Cancer

Common Misconception About Nutrition and Cancer I am a Registered Dietician Nutritionist, herbalist, sound healer and a National Board Certified Acupuncturist.  I specialize in energy healing for cancer. I often run into a  misconception about how to think of nutrition in the context of caring for cancer. This “nutrition” issue is actually a mind-set issue

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Cancer Healing Journey

Cancer Healing Journey – Interview with Allen

Cancer Healing Journey – Interview with Allen In this conversation with Allen (one of my clients), we discuss his experiences with energy healing and how it helped him and his family. Allen had some success with energy healing, but was struggling with William Bengston’s Rapid Image Cycling technique.  In particular, he struggled with Hypercycling.  He got in touch with

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