
Priyanka Gangolu

Can unpleasant emotions help heal cancer?

Can unpleasant emotions help heal cancer?

Can unpleasant emotions help heal cancer? You grasp the profound impact of emotions on the physical body.  You may have embarked on the profound journey of unraveling emotional intricacies to heal yourself.  Imagine harnessing the energy of your emotions (even the uncomfortable ones) to facilitate your physical healing. In this blog post, I’ll share a

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Is Your Rapid Image Cycling is working?

Is Your Rapid Image Cycling Working?

Is Your Rapid Image Cycling Working? Hello, fellow energy healing enthusiasts!  I’m thrilled to have you here as we explore the amazing world of energy healing, specifically, how to tell if anything is happening when practicing William Bengston’s Rapid Image Cycling technique.  I’m Suzanne Clegg, and like you, I find alternative healing practices fascinating.  They

Is Your Rapid Image Cycling Working? Read More »

Playfulness Enhances Healing with Image Cycling

Playfulness Enhances Healing with Image Cycling

Playfulness Enhances Healing with Image Cycling When observing the carefree nature of children, we can uncover a valuable lesson in embracing detachment. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of playful detachment in healing, the power of imagination, and the importance of self-compassion. So, let’s dive in! The Challenge of Detachment in Healing

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How I work spiritually with the Bengston Method

How I work spiritually with the Bengston Method

How I work spiritually with the Bengston Method What does the word “spirit” mean to you?  You may have noticed that word in my work such as  spiritgate.com, Spirit Gate Cancer Support Facebook Group, suzanne@spiritgate.com, and more.  The word “spiritual” means different things to different people, usually referring to the non-physical realm of our experiences.

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Mastering Bengston Image Cycling

Mastering Bengston Image Cycling: The Three Essential Phases

Embarking on the journey of Bengston Image Cycling may initially appear daunting, but the potential it holds for manifesting intentions and promoting healing is truly remarkable. I remember back in 1996 when my husband and I sought help from William Bengston for our infant daughter. At the time, our pediatric ophthalmologist suspected a brain tumor

Mastering Bengston Image Cycling: The Three Essential Phases Read More »

Why Doing It 'Right' Might Actually Be Wrong

Rethinking Distance Healing: Why Doing It ‘Right’ Might Actually Be Wrong

If You Are Doing Distance Healing Right… … you are doing it wrong. Does this sound like you? You are crazy enough, desperate enough, or educated enough to spend some time using energy healing for cancer.  You have some hope (otherwise, you wouldn’t even try).  You have a format to follow or you’re learning from

Rethinking Distance Healing: Why Doing It ‘Right’ Might Actually Be Wrong Read More »

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