
Spirit Gate Cancer Support Group

Group Octave Resonance Healing™

Contents of this page:

  1. How Spirit Gate Cancer Support Group helps you 
  2. How to submit names for healing
  3. What members of the group say

I created this group to support people and pet parents who are looking for “another way”. This is a forum to ask questions, share experiences, learn or tweak your energy-healing skills, as well as give and receive distance healing sessions. 

Energy medicine for people and pets with cancer can be a powerful way to decrease pain, cool tumors, extend life, and promote overall well-being in your beloved human or animal companion. These techniques don’t hurt, and they may help…a lot!

How Spirit Gate Cancer Support Group Helps You

We have a Facebook group supporting people and pets with cancer!

Anyone interested in Distance Healing is welcome to join the group. This is what my group members get exclusively:

  • Free group distance healing sessions.

Be part of a group that cools down hot cancerous tumors and reduces pain in people and pets!

  • Get answers to your energy medicine questions.

We have amazing healers in this group. Between them and myself, you can get the answers you need.

  • Share your knowledge with the group.

It’s a GROUP, and we cherish the conversation.

  • Motivating each other.

Where else can you share the tweaky nuances of what you discovered? Where else can you get wild applause for cooling down your dog’s tumor?

  • Octave Resonance Healing Approach, Bengston Method, Reiki, Donna Eden, etc., etc.

All are welcome, and we support each other.

  • Exclusive interviews with other energy medicine practitioners.

I consider myself an expert in my own system (Octave Resonance Healing Approach) and the Bengston Method. I know a LOT about other methods. For me, the method is the means to the end. Conversations with people with different points of view help us all develop.

  • See how people and pets with cancer are improving their quality and quantity of life.
  • You can help people and pets with cancer–you don’t have to personally be living that nightmare.

The weekly distance healing sessions are also training in how to DO distance healing. I want to get some DRAMATIC results with this group, and the more people present on the calls create, the stronger group resonance which enhances the effect. All you need is an open heart

How to Submit Names for Healing

This distance healing group works a bit differently from others. Yes, we go through a list of names of people and pets who desire to heal. The difference is that we keep the list alive by submitting names fresh every week. Suzanne finds that submitting a name fresh keeps a connection with a living human being who cares. If the list just keeps getting bigger and bigger, it can go a bit stale. If you are adding a name for someone who is not you, make sure you have their permission to be included in the healing session. Good energetic boundaries make for better outcomes for all!

Please note that only members of the Spirit Gate Cancer Support group can submit names for healing.

P.S: This Distance Healing session is absolutely free!! If you would like to make an energetic exchange that may enhance your results, please use this link to make an optional financial contribution: https://spiritgate.com/donate-now/

How to add names for healing sessions:

  • Wait for the Google Form* link that I will be posting one day before the actual healing session. If the session is on Friday, the document will go up on Thursday on Spirit Gate Cancer Support Facebook Group.
  • Open the link and follow the directions to submit the name of a person or pet with cancer or someone who is supporting them. Everyone will be included in the healing session, but only those who have cancer will have their name read out loud by Suzanne. If you have more than one person, that’s great. Simply submit one form for each person.
  • Make sure you have permission to include anyone in the Distance Healing session.
  • That’s it!
  • If you miss the live event, you may continue submitting names until the closure of the healing event (usually the following Monday night). When Suzanne does the healing session, she “time travels” into the future and includes those whose names will be showing up on the list later.
  • If you fill out the form, you will get an email reminder to log onto Facebook before the live event.

*A little more about the Google Form:

Facebook Names Submission Form

There are TWO lists. The first is for people and pets with cancer who are requesting healing. The SECOND list is for supporting people who also want to heal. Suzanne will read the names on the cancer list out loud. She will LOOK at the other list and include the names in the healing session, but individual names will not be read out loud.

Note: This is not a typical prayer list. Make sure you have permission from the people whose names you submit, or you are their guardian if they are a child or pet. We keep this list fresh by asking you to resubmit names each week. It helps to add phonetic spelling if you think it will help Suzanne pronounce the name.

As you add your name(s), really feel how they are joining this week’s gathering. Let the deed of typing their name be part of what lovingly holds them in the healing intention.

What if you can’t figure out how to add names?

If the technology is daunting, have no fear, you are not excluded! You can write the names for healing in the chat thread of the announcement for the next session, or the chat thread of the live session Spirit Gate Cancer Support Facebook Group. Perhaps someone in the group who is Google-forms-savvy will add your name for you.

However, if that doesn’t happen your name will still be present energetically in the “Others” category when Suzanne speaks the names. It’s her experience that the place you put the names, and even the speaking of the name, is not as important as putting them somewhere that the group can acknowledge, as well as the fresh intention to include someone in the healing. It also seems to enhance the healing if you are present at the same time, though there are many exceptions.

The list stays open for several days. You can add your name(s) after the live event. After it is closed (usually Monday night), we take down the old document, wait a day, and start afresh.

Cancer is a family affair and it’s just fine to submit the name of family members affected by their loved one suffering from cancer. Just make sure you have their permission, as it enhances the effect and creates good energetic boundaries.

Please join our Distance Healing session every Friday at 4:00 pm Eastern Time (New York time) Here’s a link to find what time that is for you: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com

During this Live session, Suzanne does a bit of teaching about Distance Healing and then guides participants through a simple distance-healing method. More healers and more healers tend to make it more powerful. You can join us live or watch the replay!

What Group Members Say.


What Clients Are Saying

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