
Sleep - A Way to Enhance Distance Healing

This is a continuing series of how to enhance distance healing. Distance healing can be learned and it is a skill that can be cultivated. Check out my other blogs on ways to enhance distance healing through High Frequency and Nutrition.  Today’s blog is about using sleep to enhance distance healing. 

  • Tip #1.  (The easiest one) Simply get a photograph or a hair sample taped to a card of the person that you want to distance heal. Put it under your pillow and go to sleep with the intention of helping.
  • Tip #2.  Write down on a card your intention for healing the person/animal that you want to distance heal. Do this right before you go to bed. As you go to sleep, contemplate the idea that something that you have access to and they have access to when you’re sleeping can do the healing.
  • Tip #3.  Work with your dreams.  Write down the intention for healing and then ask for a dream.  Write down your dreams when you wake up. Dreams answer you in symbols.  Assume the answer is there. You will get guidance and perhaps direct healing.

Watch this short video that discusses these tips a bit deeper.

Stay tuned for other ways to enhance your distance healing. A group of us do a community distance healing every week at my Facebook Group Spirit Gate Cancer Support. You are invited to join the group to give/receive distance healing as well as get your questions answered about energy medicine for cancer.

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